Design & Technology

Design & Technology
at Fazakerley Primary School
The Design and Technology Leader is Miss R Barber
Design Technology Subject Specific Pedagogies.
In addition to our generic pedagogies, which are:
Flexible groupings
Revisiting prior learning from lessons
Retrieval of prior knowledge in different contexts
Visualisers for modelling
I do, we do,you do
Chunking lesson
Dual coding
Strategies for remembering
Sequential graphics
Working walls (consistent subject specific design)
Explicit teaching of vocabulary. (E.g. Use of visualiser / demonstrate methods and techniques).
We also have the following subject specific pedagogies for D and T:
Each unit starts with a design brief (linked to real life problems)
3 Ss (Something for someone for some purpose)
IEAs – (investigative and evaluative activities) hands on approach to learning
Opportunities for the children to ask questions, discover and investigate
Every lesson will be explicitly led by the class teacher
Evaluating throughout to identify issues and have the opportunity to fix issues
Focused tasks to build on skill and knowledge
SEND adaptations
Cross curricular links help for the chn to see the relevance
CAD to support learning
Design criteria (WAGOLL)
Discovery teaching rather than through direct instructions
Step by step process
Formative assessment approaches are applied at all times in each lesson.
Regular representation of the subject within ‘Low Stakes Friday Curriculum Quiz’ to reinforce knowledge, skills and understanding and aid cognitive load. Teachers guided by subject lead’s key questioning document.