
“It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognise, accept, and celebrate those differences.” – Audre Lorde

At Fazakerley Primary School, we ask pupils to think about all the things that make them who they are: their looks, their strengths, their religion, their family and their culture. We might be similar to other people in our school community, or we might be very different, but we are all welcome and we are all part of a wonderful, diverse world.

We celebrate difference as an opportunity to learn and grow. This means we embrace opportunities to explore and understand different cultures and beliefs from all over the world. We believe is it essential for pupils to have a well-rounded understanding of different world religions, as well as the opportunity to meet people of different faiths and visit local places of worship. In doing this, we believe that we are preparing pupils for a future where technological advances will make the world a ‘smaller place’. 

We celebrate difference as an opportunity to learn and grow. This means we embrace opportunities to explore and understand different cultures and beliefs from all over the world. We believe is it essential for pupils to have a well-rounded understanding of different world religions, as well as the opportunity to meet people of different faiths and visit local places of worship. In doing this, we believe that we are preparing pupils for a future where technological advances will make the world a ‘smaller place’. 

Our RE lessons provided creative and meaningful experiences that bring stories of faith to life, and give our pupils the opportunity to question their own beliefs and values. Our RE curriculum incorporates yearly trips and visits, to really make Religious Education come alive for our pupils!

At Fazakerley Primary School, we aim to celebrate the diversity within our own community and the wider world and develop confidence in individual identity through our bespoke curriculum. We strive to promote equality in all that we do and we use examples of where this has not always been the case in our society in the past to support learning and promote tolerance.

We see all children, parents and carers as of equal value:

·         Whether or not they are disabled

·         Whatever their ethnicity, culture, national origin or national status

·         Whatever their gender or gender identity

·         Whatever their religious or non-religious affiliation or faith background

·         Whatever their sexual identity

We recognise that inequalities and unfairness exist within all levels of society, and we do not ignore that these issues exist. Our curriculum seeks to raise awareness and close these gaps, and we will empower and prepare the next generation for a fairer future within a multicultural society. 

Our goal is to keep children’s minds open about their abilities and help raise their confidence. No child should leave Fazakerley Primary School believing that they can’t do something because of their gender, ethnicity, or family background. Please see all the examples of how we celebrate diversity in our school.