
at Fazakerley Primary School

The English Leader is Miss Tunney.

At Fazakerley Primary School, we believe that development in English is central to improving the life chances for our pupils. English is at the heart of everything we do in school and beyond. English is a subject in its own right as well as being the medium for teaching all other subjects. Acquiring skills in English is essential foundation setting for all other subjects and gives access to the whole curriculum. Mastering skills within the strands of speaking, listening, reading and writing, will allow our pupils to communicate effectively using a range of strategies with those around them, allowing them to participate fully as an educated citizen within society.

We know that there are many strands to English as a standalone subject, knowing that each of the strands support and develop one another holistically.

We adopt Ready Steady Write as our writing scheme.

The sequence of learning has 3 main strands:


This is a real reading focus. Here, the children immerse into the genre through reading. The children get to see and engage with different examples of the genre. It is important to capture their thoughts and ideas through daily incidental writing.


This is the time for the children to identify the key features of the text type through discussion and text marking. The children analyse the different examples of the genre identifying a WAGOLL- What a good one looks like (versus what a bad example of one might look like WABOLL) Looking at lots of different examples and deciding as a group/class which are the most effective layouts, giving considered reasons for this and talking about how to improve weaker examples. This will lead to a shared understanding of what a good one looks like.


There are many incidental writing opportunities throughout the immerse and analyse stages however, here is where the children apply their learning from the immerse and analyse stages and plan their writing.

We adopt the processes of shared, guided, modelled and independent writing.

It is here where the children plan, revise and edit their work, redrafting parts of their work for improvement. •Here, the teacher models how to plan an example of the text type, using all the elements captured in the Immerse and Analyse days followed by modelling how to write each part of the text type in a 'my turn, your turn' approach. •The teacher also models how to assess their work against success criteria already agreed and shown on working wall and improve their work including editing techniques.

These strands are not considered in isolation. The development is holistic, with one strand supporting the development of the other and vice versa.

Year Group Progression Documents

English Subject Specific Pedagogies.

English Pedagogy Writing and Reading
-Physical books teaching physical reading skills/understanding
-Working walls – dual coding
a. What happened in the book so far?
b. What have we written so far?
c. What features do we know that we can use to uplevel our writing? What do these features look like?

-Visualizer for editing/ writing/ sharing images from book/ sharing artifacts
-Using vehicle text to write own teacher text to write student text
-Immerse - Analyze - Plan - Write - Revise
a. I do we do you in every lesson
-Explicit teaching of vocab throughout the unit and referenced for writing
-AI for adapted text
-Speech to text for writing
-Reading text back for supported editing
-Reduced editing checklists
-Explicit teaching of SPaG skills and revisiting practise throughout the week/ unit/ term/year
-Adapted WAGOLLs
-Annotated WAGOLLs
-Dual coding – speaking and referencing writing when editing
-Balance composition and transcription (mag pie)
-Thinking time
-Sentence stems (to come with oracy introduction)
-Physical approach – EYFS fine and gross motor skills/ fine and gross motor interventions if needed/ pen holding/sitting at tables/ in desk/ how they hold their book
-Motivation approach – excitement, enthusiasm, valuing student voice for student ideas generated
-Mechanics – how to set up a page
-Use of Seesaw

-Use of flexible groups
-Use of artifacts in immerse
-Each write in each unit ends with large write assessment task – summative assessment task
-Use images in book to provoke writing/ ideas/ interest
-Every lesson ends with a formative assessment task