at Fazakerley Primary School
The Languages Leader is Mrs A. Rose
Languages Subject Specific Pedagogies.
In addition to our generic pedagogies, which are:
Flexible groupings
Revisiting prior learning from lessons
Retrieval of prior knowledge in different contexts
Visualisers for modelling
I do, we do,you do
Chunking lesson
Dual coding
Strategies for remembering
Sequential graphics
Working walls (consistent subject specific design)
Explicit teaching of vocabulary. (E.g. Use of visualiser/ demonstrate methods and techniques).
We also have the following subject specific pedagogies for Spanish:
All lessons are delivered by a Spanish speaking teacher, in conjunction with class teacher, using the team teaching approach.
Cyclical curriculum.
RRP (Repeat, respond, produce).
Daily use of incidental Spanish.
Every lesson 1 focus group to be recorded on Seesaw for assessment.
Question of the week – will be referred to during the week by class staff and assessed by FLT during Spanish lesson the following week.
Formative assessment approaches are applied at all times in each lesson however, the final lesson in the unit, is an ‘end of unit assessment lesson’.
Regular representation of the subject within ‘Low Stakes Friday Curriculum Quiz’ to reinforce knowledge, skills and understanding and aid cognitive load. Teachers guided by subject lead’s key questioning document.
SEND adaptations are made for pupils who need them.