Infectious Illness
We are committed to the health and safety of all children and staff who play, learn and work here. It may sometimes be necessary to require a sick child to be collected early or be kept at home while they get better. In such cases, the provisions of the Health, Illness and Emergency policy will be implemented.
In accordance with the procedures set out in the Health, Illness and Emergency policy parents/carers will be notified immediately if their child has become ill and needs to go home. Poorly children will be comforted, kept safe and under close supervision until they are collected.
If a child has had to go home prematurely due to illness, they should remain at home until they are better for at least 24 hours, or according to the times set out in the table below.
If a child becomes ill outside of school hours, parents/carers should notify the school as soon as possible. The minimum exclusion periods outlined in the table below will come into operation.
If any infectious or communicable disease is detected on the schools premises the school will inform parents/carers personally in writing as soon as possible. The school is committed to sharing as much information as possible about the source of the disease and the steps being taken to remove it. The Local Authority and Health Authority will be informed of any infectious or communicable diseases discovered on the school premises.
This list is not necessarily exhaustive, and parents/carers are encouraged to contact local health services if they are in any doubt.