Safeguarding Charter

Safeguarding Charter
at Fazakerly Primary School
All settings providing education to children will:
Work in partnership with other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children in keeping with the LSCP’s ‘Levels of Need Guidance’ to secure improved outcomes for young people
Ensure that safer recruitment practices and safeguarding policies and procedures set out a culture of vigilance and challenge
Provide induction and regular training that enable all adults to recognise signs of abuse and neglect; act in the interests of the child and maintain an attitude ‘it could happen here’.
Work collaboratively with other agencies to promote early help for young people and families before their needs escalate to a point where intervention would be needed via a statutory assessment.
Challenge ourselves and others to ensure actions are completed in a timely way and press for reconsideration if the situation does not improve.
Quality assures all safeguarding practices including maintaining support and oversight of the Designated Safeguarding Lead and Safeguarding Team, their actions and decisions and record keeping.
Ensure all adults working with young people follow an agreed code of conduct that promotes safe working practices and makes responsibilities and expectations clear, including the understanding that anyone can make a referral.
Complete any actions arising from the Local Authority’s 175 Safeguarding Audit in order to ensure policies and procedures follow LSCP, Local Authority and statutory guidance.
Implement any learning arising from serious case reviews, for example, the need to listen and respond to the views of children, especially when assessing their needs.
Provide students with a curriculum which promotes their safeguarding and enables them to maintain healthy relationships.