What is the Summer Reading Challenge?

The UK’s biggest reading for pleasure programme for primary school children

in libraries, encouraging children to read for fun during the school holidays. 

Who can take part?

The Summer Reading Challenge is a flexible programme, designed for all levels of ability.

It is open to all children aged 4-11. 

When does it start and how can children sign up?

The Challenge runs throughout the summer holidays. 

Children can sign up at any time during the Challenge period, either at the library or online at summerreadingchallenge.org.uk.

What does the Challenge involve?

At the library:

A child visits their local library to sign up and pick up a Summer Reading Challenge folder. They set a reading goal and borrow books of their choice. They collect bespoke stickers and incentives from the library for their reading, including a certificate for reaching their reading goal. 


Alternatively, children can take part in the Challenge online at summerreadingchallenge.org.uk

Where they will set a reading goal and unlock digital rewards including a PDF certificate. They’ll get book recommendations and tips for accessing books for free at home.

What will children read for their Challenge?

The Challenge is all about reading for fun, so children can choose to read anything they like. Really - anything! Audiobooks, e-books, fiction, non-fiction, comics, joke books, poetry, graphic novels... it all counts! Library staff and volunteers will help children discover new reads which suit their interests and reading level.

We are so lucky to have Fazakerley Library a 3 minute walk away from school! We can even see if from our playground it’s so close!

During the end of the summer term and all through the summer holidays, Fazakerley Library work to support all of our pupils in the SUMMER READING CHALLENGE!

Every time they visit the library during the holidays (up to 6 times) they get their registration card stamped and will receive a range of goodies, including bookmarks, collector folders, stickers, pencils, certificates, medals and lanyards. The library also have Marvellous Marker activities going on throughout the summer. 

Fantasic Work!